Queue Summary

Navigate to Analytics & Reports | Queue Summary

Displays a summary of historical stats for each queue and a graph of inbound call count by day.

A queue name can be selected which will open the queue details report with the appropriate filters.


Queue Name

Name of Queue

Total Call Count

Total amount of calls

Answered Call Count

Total amount of calls answered by an agent

Unanswered Call Count

Total amount of calls that were not answered by an agent.

Abandoned Call Count

Total amount of calls where the caller disconnected when waiting in queue.

Abandoned Call Percent

Percentage of abandoned calls from total call count.

Queue Timeout Call Count

Total amount of calls that timed out in the queue.

Queue Timeout With No Available Agents Call Count

Total amount of calls that timed out immediately because no agents were either signed into the queue or had an available agent status.

Callbacks Call Count

Total amount of calls that requested a call back

Voicemail Requested Call Count

Total amount of calls that requested to leave a voicemail while waiting in queue.

Outside Business Hours Call Count

Total amount of calls that were outside business hours based on a business hours set assigned to the queue.

On Holiday Hours Call Count

Total amount of calls that were during a holiday hours set assigned to the queue.

Service Level

Percentage of calls that met the specified queue service level

Average Talk Time

Average amount of time an agent and caller were connected.

Average Wait Time

Average amount of time a caller has waited in the queue before connecting with an agent

Inbound Queue Call Count

Total Inbound Queue calls

Outbound Call Count


Last updated