Navigate to Administration | Diagnostics
This page can be used to troubleshoot why queue calls are not functioning properly and why an individual agent is not being alerted.
Select a queue. Once a queue has been selected, an agent can also be selected. Any fields with a red X could potentially be causing problems.
Queue Info:
Alert Timeout
Displays the alert timeout in seconds. Minimum should be 10 seconds when using toast alerts.
Queue Timeout
Displays Queue timeout in seconds and the next action (if enabled).
Routing Type
Alert Type
Has Agents
Displays if there are agents assigned to the queue
Business hours
Displays business hours configuration. If showing red X, the current time is off hours.
Holiday Hours
Displays if holiday hours are configured. If showing red X, the current time is during holiday.
Agent Info:
Agent panel open
Displays if the agent has the agent panel open
Agent Status
Displays current agent status. If showing red X, the status does not allow agent to receive call alerts.
Member of this Queue?
Displays if the agent is a member of the selected queue.
Queue Sign-in State
Displays if the agent is currently signed into the selected queue.
Signed into Skills Routing
Displays if the agent is currently signed into skills routing.
Any Current Alerts?
Displays if the agent has any current call alerts.
Any Current Calls?
Displays if the agent is currently in a call.
Any wrap-up Calls?
Displays if the agent is currently in a wrap-up state.
Last updated
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