Queue Details
Navigate to Analytics & Reports | Queue Details
Displays Queue detail records from the Queue perspective.
The "..."
Column | Description |
"..." | Button that displays actions that can be performed on that record. |
Direction | Direction of call (Inbound/Outbound). |
Start | Start date/time of call. |
End | End date/time of call. |
When | Start time of call in relation to the current date/time. |
Queue Name | Name of Queue |
Caller Name | Name of caller |
Caller Number | Number of caller |
Length | Total call length (wait time plus talk time) |
Wait Time | Amount of time the caller has waited in the queue before connecting with the agent |
Talk Time | Amount of time the agent and caller were connected. |
Agent Name | Name of agent that connected with the caller. |
From | Displays if the call originated from an IVR or another Contact Center Queue. |
To | Displays if the call was transferred to an IVR or another Contact Center Queue. |
User UPN | Agent user principle name. |
Callback Requested | Displays if the caller requested a callback. |
Voicemail Requested | Displays if the caller requested to leave a voicemail. |
Timed Out | Displays if the call timed out in the queue. |
Queue Timeout With No Available Agents | Displays if the call immediately timed out because no agents were either signed into the queue or had their agent status in an available state. |
Abandoned | Displays if the caller disconnected the call before the call was connected to an agent or the call timed out. |
Outside Business Hours | Displays if the call was outside of business hours. |
Transfer Type | Timeout action taken. |
Service Level Achieved | Displays if the call that met the specified queue service level. |
OU | Displays the organization unit where the call detail record is stored. |
Scenario Id | Microsoft Teams Call ID |
Last updated