Queue Details

Navigate to Analytics & Reports | Queue Details

Displays Queue detail records from the Queue perspective.

The "..."



Button that displays actions that can be performed on that record.


Direction of call (Inbound/Outbound).


Start date/time of call.


End date/time of call.


Start time of call in relation to the current date/time.

Queue Name

Name of Queue

Caller Name

Name of caller

Caller Number

Number of caller


Total call length (wait time plus talk time)

Wait Time

Amount of time the caller has waited in the queue before connecting with the agent

Talk Time

Amount of time the agent and caller were connected.

Agent Name

Name of agent that connected with the caller.


Displays if the call originated from an IVR or another Contact Center Queue.


Displays if the call was transferred to an IVR or another Contact Center Queue.

User UPN

Agent user principle name.

Callback Requested

Displays if the caller requested a callback.

Voicemail Requested

Displays if the caller requested to leave a voicemail.

Timed Out

Displays if the call timed out in the queue.

Queue Timeout With No Available Agents

Displays if the call immediately timed out because no agents were either signed into the queue or had their agent status in an available state.


Displays if the caller disconnected the call before the call was connected to an agent or the call timed out.

Outside Business Hours

Displays if the call was outside of business hours.

Transfer Type

Timeout action taken.

Service Level Achieved

Displays if the call that met the specified queue service level.


Displays the organization unit where the call detail record is stored.

Scenario Id

Microsoft Teams Call ID

Last updated