What's new in Contact Center
A description of new features in Landis Contact Center for Microsoft Teams.
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February 4, 2025
Email Scheduled Reports (Preview)
Queue Summary, IVR Summary, and Agent Summary
Web Chat Reporting
Web chat: Support for rich features e.g. emojis.
Wallboards: Add Agents Available column
Agent Status report: RBAC filterable
Organization Units: Improve experience for orphaned objects
When an object is orphaned, it will be automatically moved to the Deleted Objects OU.
Outbound Calling: Custom hold music while call is connecting to remote party.
IVR Details: When a call is transferred to PSTN, display number in To field.
Improve variable experience in Text to Speech and Callback IVR blocks.
On entering an opening curly brace, a menu will appear with all available variables.
Add requested callbacks to wallboards and queue summary
Fix scenario where toolbar buttons are shown as disabled
No agent name displayed in live calls for outbound queue calls
Ability to copy recording URL in Call Details
Allow static text to be saved in callback fields in Callback IVR block.
Add progress indicator when saving data collection set
Improve Chat Router performance
Chat on behalf of messages in teams meeting
Fix issue where in some cases Callback doesn't cancel invite
Allow IVR blocks to handle variables with special characters.
Nov 5, 2024
Queue Breakout: Introduced multiple breakout options for a queue. Callers can now breakout to another queue or IVR, user, user voicemail, or PSTN. This feature replaced Enable Leave Voicemail.
Queue webhooks will now output breakoutRequested for the LeaveReason property.
IVR Callback Block
The callback block will create a call back request. A call back phone number and description are saved with the request.
Callback Requests report
Data Collection: Enable an IVR system to capture and store data in designated columns for use in reports or callpop.
Wrapup Questions: Allow for free-text answers
Agent Panel: Auto-save agent status and queue sign in/out changes. Save button has been removed.
Agent Panel: Now reports how long the agent has been in their current Agent Status.
The queue and agent status boards display similar information. They show the date and time when the status was last updated
Queue Edit: Improved layout of the Queue edit page.
Frozen columns for all reports
Summary reports by default freeze the "identity" columns.
Agent Summary report: Filter by OU
IVR Regex block: Find and Replace
Regex block in IVR now supports doing a replace on text matched in the applicable regex.
The target value after the replace operation will be added as a variable.
Added a Chat Links page
Queues: Now 2 different types of queues, Calling and Chat
Removed requirement to consent to mic permissions.
Improve Widget Loading Time
Custom welcome message (per queue) and ability to override other text (system wide)
Welcome Message
Routing To Agent
Agent Joined
Agent Left
Heartbeat Active
Heartbeat Expired
Fix issue with "Sync To Teams" button on Resource Accounts page.
Fix parallel call not canceling other invites when an agent answers.
Added missing minimum values for wrapup timeout, service level and marketing message wait time on queue edit page.
Fix the call details column chooser.
Added localization on the region dropdown.
Resolve multiple recording playback bugs on the Call Details page.
Fix issue where the From property was not being included in the IVR webhook.
Fix issue where the open Agent Panel button did not work in the Teams app.
Fix error that occurred when pressing Enter on the Create User page.
July 2, 2024
PSTN/External Inbound
PSTN/External Outbound
Internal Inbound
Internal Outbound
Meetings/Group Calls
Add column to display total time in each agent status
Phone numbers and UPNs are now clickable links on the following reports:
Queue details
IVR Details
Abandoned Calls
Wrap-up Answers
Action button added to each record in the following reports:
Queue Details
IVR Details
Agent Details
Abandoned Calls
Wrap-up Answers
View Details added as option in Action button menu.
Additional languages added
Improve Outbound Calling
Call is initiated to agent and then callee is joined.
IVR Improvement
Variable can be used in the call action block to transfer to queue or IVR
Web Chat (Preview)
Add open Agent Panel button on left menu
Wrap-up panel now appears on left side of agent panel.
EMEA region is now GA
Loop detection added for IVRs
Fix issue where webhooks send duplicate POST requests in certain scenarios.
Fix issue where IVR inputs were duplicated in call details report.
Fix misc. stability issues on IVR voice input block.
When creating a new queue, default Queue alert time to 20 seconds.
Fix the search boxes in Agent Status, Live Calls, Queues, IVRs, and Resource Account Connections
When agent status panel is pinned, call pop panel appears to the left of the agent status panel.
Fix issue where IVR summary report was not calculating calls transferred to PSTN.
Fix direct calls not showing on wallboard
Fix issue where EMEA users couldn't sign in if "self-registration" was disabled
March 18, 2024
Fix missing caller and callee info in live calls and recordings report.
March 5, 2024
February 7, 2024
Improved Webhooks for Queue Details
Outbound Calling (Preview)
Call can be initiated manually in the agent panel
IVR Improvements
Regex block: Allow multiple regex statements
Datadip block: Add timeout value
Text to Speech block: Allow selection of language and voice
VoiceInput block: Allow language selection for Speech To Text
Increase wrapup questions from 5 to 10
Enable Agent Timeline report Excel export
Business Hours: Option to close entire day.
Allow queue/agent status panel to be pinned in Agent Panel
Improve accessibility
Audio Prompts, Business Hours, and Holiday Sets now show Interaction Objects they are link to
Misc UI Improvements
Improve multi-lingual support
allow custom position in queue prompts (uses existing audio prompts)
Allow language to be set for Call Setting Policy for Speech to Text and Sentiment Analysis.
NOTE: The following languages are not supported for sentiment analysis. If one of these languages are selected the transcription will be saved, but the sentiment score will show 0.
Chinese (Wu, Simplified)
Allow Call Pop to open in new tab
Prevent deleting audio prompts, business hour sets, and holiday sets when linked to a Queue or IVR
Misc UI Fixes
When new users are added to the system by adding them as an agent to a queue, ensure that they are assigned to the default Direct CDR group.
Fix wallboard menu when used with a non-English language.
Service Level on Wallboard
Fix sort by End Date
In specific scenarios filtering in the Live Calls disabled the "call control" buttons
Fix live updates on Queue Status page
Parallel Routing: fix Live Calls and Queue Details report for scenarios where 2 agents answer simultaneously
Parallel Routing: Wrapup questions showing for incorrect agent.
Improve logic for ending call with multiple agents
August 29, 2023
Add VoiceInput block (Preview)
Customizable Dashboard (Preview)
Global and Widget filters
New widgets:
Callback Requested
Agent Summary
Queue Summary.
Wallboard Alerts (Preview)
Add setting that allows queue calls to route to users that are on a recorded direct call
Add Recording File Reference column to the Recordings report
CallAction IVR block: Allow transferring to users not in Landis Contact Center but in the same M365 tenant.
Enable informative tooltips on Queue Summary, IVR Summary, and Queue Calls By Hour.
Diagnostics page: Add Holiday Hours (enabled or disabled) to Queue
Allow changing "Is Default" on Direct CDR Group
Resource account creation in the portal (Preview)
Improve Audit Logs performance.
If Hide Bot enabled for org, then also hide when answering IVR calls
Fix error that occurred when clearing selected audio prompts in IVR block then attempting to save
Improve Person Component popup behavior
Improve Diagnostic page experience when agent not in bot
Fix wrapup report not exporting correct amount of records
Fix several errors where dropdown UI was not visible
Fix Queue Calls by Hour report timezone issue
Queue Edit: clear Action Target field when changing Queue Timeout Action Type
Fix issue that was causing new org signups to click "Signin with Microsoft" twice
Fix invalid error message when saving queue with voicemail and callback keys defined the same but one feature disabled.
Remove IsChangingOU checkbox from IVR and Queue edit pages
Remove Skills search box on User Edit page
Fix wallboard direct calls sorting
May 22, 2023
Fix error message appearing for wrapup questions
Resolve date issue on trial expiration banner
May 9, 2023
Private Preview: Resource account creation in the portal
Definable order of queues displayed on wallboards
Teams Presence based routing: Allow call routing to agents in Teams busy presence types. See Teams Presence Based Routing
Queue and IVR access control to granularly delegate edit/create/delete permissions for queues and/or IVRs based on data access policies. See Queue and IVR Access Control
IVR blocks now can create following block from inside the block's edit panel.
Allow picture to be uploaded with creating wallboard
Fix sorting on agent details report
Fix agent name(s) displayed in live calls when using parallel routing
Remove skills from routing type drop down
Change default routing method to round robin if no routing type selected.
March 20, 2023
Holiday Hours Sets are now saved using the correct time.
* and # can be selected and saved in the IVR designer listen to tone block.
End Call action now works with a Holiday Hours set.
November 9, 2022
Holiday Hours sets for use with queues and IVRs.
IVR call action block now supports transfer to a variable.
IVR call action block now supports actions for failed transfers.
Teams presence now shown on person component (Requires presence API credentials).
Ability to hide queue bot from participant roster.
OU filter added to home page.
IVR designer now GA.
Abandoned calls percent column added to queue summary report.
Transferred calls percent column added to IVR summary report.
Total time agents cannot receive calls and total time an agent can receive calls columns added to agent summary report.
Duration added for objects shown on agent timeline report.
Wallboard UI refresh
Live calls now show "Multiple agents" in the agent column when multiple agents are being alerted simultaneously. When hovering over the text, a tooltip will appear with the list of agents.
Fixes and issue where duration and end date for call in progress is shown incorrectly on agent timeline report.
Fixes and issue where name and OU is not shown correct in live calls.
Re-evaluate variables in IVR text to speech block when triggered multiple times.
Remove signed into skills from diagnostics page.
Resolve delay issue when canceling Teams invites to multiple users.
Fixes issue where date filter in header on queue calls by hour report was not in sync with filter flyout.
End calls webhook now sends UPN instead of email address.
Resolves rare timing issue that caused calls to not be recorded.
Fixes call disconnect issue in some scenarios when "Queue timeout when no agents available" is enabled.
Display agent's full name in live calls.
October 4, 2022
Allow Azure cognitive services multi-service accounts for sentiment analysis
Prevent recording button from becoming out of sync
Fix sign in issue when using the Landis Contact Center Teams application
August 11, 2022
Allow transfer to PSTN number on Queue Timeout, Off Hours or IVR Transfer
Allow Queue Timeout if no agent available (based on the Agent Status)
Resource Account Create/Edit
Allow any phone number to be entered on resource account
IVR improvements
Add prompt to multitone block and allow prompt to be interrupted
Add progress sound for TTS block, Data Dip block, and Transfer to Voicemail
Audio prompt improvements
Support other languages for position in queue prompts (language is set on the queue)
Improve support for storage account key rotation
Color can be assigned to the Queue which then shows on the wallboard
"ScenarioId" can be used as a call pop variable
Allow panning/zooming on agent timeline report
Add retry logic for Graph requests for Call.Answer
Update Agent Panel and Agent Status page when another user changes the status
Improve timeline report formatting and load data if filters already are set
Improve Skill Category Importance and User Skill Ability validation
Prevent IVR from being deleted if Resource Account is still linked
Adds "Outside Business Hours" as a Leave Reason
Add User: disable search button when search box empty
Fix dropdowns not closing on page scroll
Minor improvements for Teams App UI
Prevent language choice from getting stuck. Also allow language to be changed from the My Settings window.
Improve presence subscription failure notifications
Notify correctly for multiple users failing
Differentiate between invalid users and other failures
May 17, 2022
Allow manager to change Agent Status using the Agent Status page.
Add Queue Sign-in Status to Agent Timeline report.
Improve performance of Queue Timeline report. Order events by user, type, and queue
Adds a new person component to Queue Status >> Agents, the Agent Status report, and the Agent Summary report
IVR improvements
Duplicate IVR
Undo/Redo IVR edits
Add "Disabled" option to some audio prompt dropdowns Now showing Queue names and People names for certain objects instead of GUID's.
Setting for Marketing Message interval
New user interface languages: Danish, Norwegian & Icelandic.
Additional resiliency resources
Wallboards: Make scrollbar show when many queues
Queue Details report: Show correct agent when call is transferred to another Landis queue.
Fix an issue where the StartDateTime is the same for both queue calls when an agent transfers to another queue.
Fix Copy and Download buttons for Audio Prompts
Fix audio player not always playing correctly after uploading audio file.
IVR improvements: Improved handling of Delete block in certain scenarios to prevent orphaned blocks
Fix exception that could happen on these reports if date range included Daylight Savings Time changes
Queue Calls by Hour chart
Queue Summary report
Queue Calls by Day chart
Queue Status
Properly handle presence subscription errors to prevent subscription failures.
Improve UX when adding new user. Prevent page from "jumping"
Fixes some issues around recordings
correctly set participant handler type when an agent is added to an in-progress queue call by the first agent. Without this change the one agent leaves it may complete the call handler of the other agent as well.
fixes a scenario where an agents agent panel doesn't clear when they hang up.
/fixes an issue where Callee info is not correct on recordings
Fixes the issue where when an agent of a parallel queue answers he continues to get alerted for other calls,
Fixes the issue where the call would sometimes not timeout when it hit the queue timeout after being transferred to another Landis queue.
Various UI Fixes
Fixes an issue where the date range popup sometimes had the Apply button hidden
Fix checkbox color in OU Users popup
Fix small UI bug in Notifications popup
Fix top menu item colors
Fix menu overflow in Teams app on smaller screens
Remove unused buttons from the Agent Panel
Remove unused permissions
Data >> Data Connector
Data >> Data Connector >> Import Queues
Desktop >> Dashboard
Fixed serial routing issue: didn't always pick correct agent.
March 28, 2022
Ability to configure a Queue to press a key to leave a voicemail while waiting in Queue
Skills routing improvements
Skills + longest idle routing
Agent/Manager sign in/out of individual queues.
Live status pages and wallboard show valid agent information for skills queues.
Add ability to choose voice for audio prompts
Pick Call (useful for agent to cherry pick calls out of queue)
Previous "Pick Call" is now "Force Pick Call" which is only to be used for calls that aren't being routed properly in unusual situations. ("Force Pick Call" by passes normal system checks, so the call can be forcefully routed.)
Add Scenario ID variable available to IVR blocks
Agent Status page improvements
Add link from various summary reports to their detail reports (Add ability to drill down from summary reports to detail reports)
Add a tab on Queue Status to quickly navigate to reports on details about this queue
Fixes the "Reset User Permissions" functionality
Fixes Call Settings Policy page so it reloads after deleting a policy
Fixes Select All in OU Users Modal and missing icons
Fixes as issue where the IVR doesn't show changes to the Off Hours actions
Sets default widths for description and text columns
Removes PickCall, ForcePickCall, and CompleteCall from default Agent Data Access policy
Prevent saving filters when navigating from URL
Prevent deleting skills category or skill that is link to user/queue
Fixes issue when queue times out to a recorded user and wasn't recorded
Fixes issue when a recorded user is added to a connected queue, the second agent would not be recorded.
Fixes issue where uploaded audio prompts did not work with marketing messages
Fix misc. small exceptions
Small UI improvements
fix data grid resizing on Agents tab on Queue Status
fix colors in top bar and user profile menu
fix top menu overflow when in Teams app
February 11, 2022
Marketing messages: Rotating messages can be played to those in queues
IVR designer: Create & edit IVRs using only the user interface (no need to use JSON)
Live Calls & Queue Status: moved action buttons (like Barge, Pick, Complete) to header
Improved wallboard performance
Correct various exported column names
Abandoned Calls
Audio Prompts
IVR Details
Queue Calls by Hour
Queue Details export file name correct
Skills Edit page delete button displayed correctly
Agent Summary report initial load works correctly
User login after user deleted and recreated now works correctly
blank CreationTime and LastModifiedTime columns on Business Hours
Recordings report - recorded user filter now works correctly
Live Calls error message "Unable to view sentiment data" when viewing detail corrected
Diagnostics showed presence for user even if presence not enabled for queue. Presence now hidden if not enabled for queue
User cannot be deleted if assigned to a deleted queue
January 27, 2022
Fixes issue where agent gets invited to a call that another agent is already connected to.
Minimize issue where in some cases agents get alerted of two different queue calls
December 16, 2021
Queue Alert Type "Teams [call]" is now GA. (see notes)
Save filter selection on home page
Additional Queue webhook properties
Abandoned Call
Adds: EventName, ScenarioId & CallbackRequested
Adds: EventName, ScenarioId & NumberOfAvailableAgents
Adds: EventName, ScenarioId, AgentUPN, TalkTime, WaitTime, CallbackRequested, TimedOut, Abandoned & ServiceLevelAchieved
Call flow loop detection: Call flows with too tight loops are detected. Calls are ended and an email notifies the admin
Queue timeout is now available for all alerting methods: Queues can now timeout and transfer to user or voicemail. (made possible by new Microsoft Communication API functionality)
Improved routing prioritization between Queues in certain scenarios
August 27, 2021
PREVIEW: Queue Alert Type "Teams" call now supported (aka "Cancel Invite" implementation)
Allows agents to be "alerted" by a ringing Teams call
PREVIEW: Call Pick (for stuck calls): Agents can pick a call from Queue they want to handle
Ability for an agent to pick a stuck call from queue to themselves in Live Calls & Queue Status
Requires giving agents permissions to call pick.
Note: This feature is designed to help managers address a very rare situation where calls aren't routing properly. Do not use this feature as a general Call Pick feature at this time.
IVR Visualizer simple block editor: Ability to select an IVR block to view & edit it
eliminating need to use JSON to edit IVR's
Ability to filter "Abandoned Calls" by uncompleted callback requests
Trial expiration notice banner and email reminders
Remove unused waffle navigation from Agent Panel
Architectural changes to improve Live Calls & Queue Status performance.
Agent Details report: Outbound calls will now show called number.
Fix issue with adding more than 1 agent when creating a queue.
Fix welcome and hold checkboxes on Queues grid.
Fix Transfer Type not being exported correctly from IVR details report.
Misc. improvement around avoiding stuck calls
July 9, 2021
Wallboards: Adds the ability to choose and order the columns.
IVR: Adds a new BusinessHours block.
This block needs to be linked to an existing Business Hours Set. A "next block" can be configured for "On Hours" and for each "Off Hours" type.
This block also requires a TimeZone to be specified.
IVR: Adds a timeout to the ListenToTone block.
By default, the block will wait 10 sec. for the user to enter the tone. If no tone entered, the block will repeat the prompt and wait again. This is repeated 3 times, then a "can't connect" message is played after which the call is ended.
There are several options to configure this behavior.
TimeoutNextId: The id of the next block you want the call to go to if no tone detected. If omitted, call is ended.
RepeatUri: prompt to play when no tone was detected and the wait period is repeated. If invalid or nothing provided, then default repeat prompt is played. If DoNotPlay is used, then no repeat prompt is played.
CannotConnectUri: prompt to play after no tone was detected and before next action taken or call is ended.
RepeatWaitTimeSeconds: number of seconds to wait before repeating the prompt.
NumberOfRepeats: number of times to repeat the block.
IVR: Enables editing an IVR block by selecting it in the Visualizer.
Wallboards: Adds an Abandoned Call count column.
Adds the ScenarioId column to detail reports
Adds the Avg. Sentiment column to the Agent Summary and Agent Detail reports.
Fixes issue where a downloaded recording cannot be played in Windows Media Player
Fixes the issue in the MultiTone IVR block where if the block was repeated, the user's input would be appended to the previous input. The input is now cleared when re-entering a MultiTone block.
Fixes the issue where ListenToTone keeps playing prompt after tone is pressed.
Fixes the abandoned calls call length in reports.
Improves Wallboard Longest Idle formatting
Fixes the issue where Share URL on report filters sometimes created an invalid URL
Fixes caller number and name filter on IVR Details report
Disables sorting on some columns in live calls and recordings reports
Fixes the issue where the call type was always "Direct". Now the call is correctly identified as either Queue or Direct.
Fixes the issue where the Avg. Sentiment was not updated on Live Calls.
Fixes the issue on Live Calls where the State showed Current when it should have been Ringing.
June 11, 2021
Fixes issue where a call that is transferred to another LCC queue by the Teams client is not routed correctly and appears stuck in the Live Calls page.
Fixes issue where a tone captured in an IVR can trigger the Queue Callback feature
Fixes issue where some call handlers are getting marked as missed
Fixes formatting of the Percent Met Service Level column of the wallboard
Correctly creates an agent timeline event when a new agent is created
June 4, 2021
Queue Status improvements
Monitor & manage queues from one place
Added the ability to select a queue and see details about the agents and calls for that queue
Those with access can manage agent sign-in status to the queue
Those with access can barge in to calls
Made the page real-time (no need to refresh)
Wallboard improvements
New columns (Longest in queue, Percent met service level, and Signed in Agents)
Improved look & feel
Live Calls improvements
Fixed columns (Call Length, Sentiment, and Wait Time).
Removed the Ring Time column.
Prevented the Barge In button from appearing in certain scenarios
Wrap-up Entry Enhancements
Added a wrap-up timer that can be defined per queue.
If a wrap-up question set is defined, then the wrap-up time is required. Otherwise, it can be 0.
All existing queues with a wrap-up question set will have a 10 minute timer set
Wrap-up questions are saved as the user selects them.
Wrap-up Report Enhancements
Pie charts will now show all calls, even if no questions answered.
A details sections was added to the report.
Agent Status improvements
Added the ability to customize the existing statuses or add new ones.
Added the ability to assign a color to the status that appears in the timeline.
Service Account credentials need to be supplied & admin will need to reconsent to permissions. Details on how to configure available here.
Agent Timeline report
Adds the ability to see status and call changes across time per agent
Routing Diagnostics
Adds the ability to check why an agent may not be receiving calls.
Agent Panel: Queue sign-in states are real-time. If manager changes sign-in state, it will update live.
Abandoned Calls: IVR calls will only be marked abandoned if not transferred to another queue or user.
Fixes issue where agent status changes would take too long to propagate through the system.
Default agent status for new users changed to OFF.
Improve call routing logic
April 23, 2021
Features & Fixes
Ability for user with new permission "Clear Agent" to clear a call stuck in Agent Panel from Configuration | Users page.
Mitigate scenario where hold music can continue to play after agent answers.
Mitigate scenario where using mute can cause stuck call
Add additional logging
March 26, 2021
Action Required: This update requires additional permissions for Landis Contact Center and will require re-consent. This is in in preparation for presence based routing in a future release. Navigate to Landis Contact Center Administration | Settings | Grant permissions for Contact Center to interact with Microsoft Teams.
Longest Idle Routing method
New Reports
Queue Detail Report
Agent Detail Report
IVR Detail Report
Improved user login expiration notification
Eliminate maintenance window for call recording bot upgrades
Agent reports now differentiate between missed and rejected alerts
Total Talk Time, Total Rejected Alerts, and Total Rejected Calls columns added to the Agent Summary report.
IVR Visualizer improvements
Adds ability to click on blocks or connectors and highlight the connections between them.
Improved overall diagram layout: connector line routing & improved label handling
UI improvements
Add ability to search in dropdowns throughout portal
Edit Wallboards: improved selection of multiple queues
Added object name to the header of edit pages
Restyled the Wrap up Report
Reorganize fields on Edit Resource Account page.
Fixed End Call and Abandoned Call web hooks.
Abandoned Calls will not show calls that timed out.
Fixed sorting on summary reports.
Fixed issue where some settings were not replicating correctly to all systems.
Fixed issue where users that were added to a queue (and auto-added to the system) were not alerted.
Users should no longer receive the "You are not the owner of this call" message when trying to end the call.
Improve issue where hold music continues to play after agent answers the call.
Fixed issue where vertical scroll bar doesn't appear on some pages
Fixed issue where the recording status is incorrect if the agent panel is refreshed while on a call.
Fixed issue where barge in didn't work if call was transferred from an IVR to a Queue.
Fixed issue in IVR where a "PlayPrompt" block would end prematurely in certain scenarios.
Abandoned Calls now shows all calls for any user that has access to the OU, since "my calls" permission doesn't apply.
Exclude abandoned, timed out, and callback calls from average talk time calculation.
The My Call Details and All Call Details reports were removed.
March 6, 2021
Eliminate agent panel message "not the owner of this call" in most cases
Bug fixes
Performance improvements
January 27, 2021
Bug fixes
Performance improvements
December 14, 2020
Bug fixes
Performance improvements
October 22, 2020
Special Note About This Release
This update is in preparation for Landis Contact Center going GA. GA will follow a round of preview customer testing/feedback and our QA team signing off on this release. Barring any significant issues coming up, we expect the functionality in this release to move to GA in the next month. The features listed under Preview till after GA will not be included in the initial GA.
Please go ahead and test the features heading for GA rigorously. You can test in production, but be ready to switch back if need be. (until GA).
There will be scheduled maintenance windows, that we will eliminate going forward.
Preview (Release Candidate for Production/GA) Features
Utilizing the Microsoft Graph Communications API Version 1.0
Round Robin routing method
Parallel routing method
Note: All Queues set to Attendant routing will be changed to Parallel.
Queue service level
A setting in queues to define a time in seconds as a goal to have calls answered
In Queue Summary report, show percentage of calls answered by that time
IVR Summary report
Queue Summary report graph added and other improvements
Agent Summary report improvements
Queue Calls by Hour report graph and other improvements
Text to Speech now uses Neural Voice for higher quality audio prompts
Audible alert for Contact Center toast alerts
Announce Position in Queue interval setting per queue (Default is 60 seconds)
Preview (till after GA)
IVR Visualizer shows IVR as diagram view
Call Detail Reports (these reports will be replaced, so don't bother testing)
Queue Alert Type of “Teams"
(dependent on additional APIs coming from Microsoft Q4-2020 or later)
Attendant routing (temporarily removed till we can deliver better experience)
(dependent on additional APIs coming from Microsoft Q4-2020 or later)
August 6, 2020
Production Features
Recordings report
Ability to turn off recording-transcription notifications (requires signed agreement. contact sales@landistechnologies.com)
New language support for French, German & Spanish
New Teams themed audio player in Call Recording, Audio Prompts & Queues.
Application Help button
Additional CDR fields
Most edit pages now full page instead of modal
Various UI styling improvements
Improved Teams App navigation and UI styling
Preview Features
IVR enhancements
Text to speech IVR block
Ability to pass parameters between blocks
Capture multiple DTMF tones
Capture DTMF will prompts are playing
All parameters to be passed to Data Dip request
Allows transfer to Teams users and Teams user voicemail
Skills tab on Queue Edit now hidden when not relevant
Various bug fixes
Queue timeout
Known Issue
Action Required: This update requires additional permissions for Landis Contact Center recording and sentiment to interact with Microsoft Teams. This will require you to re-consent. You can do this using this URL: https://login.microsoftonline.com/common/adminconsent?client_id=3a08b250-02ce-4316-94f7-069f4ae0c41b
June 17, 2020
Production Features
Start recording "On Demand" via Agent Panel record button
Stop and Start recording via Agent Panel record button when policy is "Record (Can Stop)"
Known Issues
Microsoft Behavior: If a user that has policy call recording or sentiment enabled calls a Teams AA/CQ, Landis Contact Center IVR/Queue or other IVR, the Microsoft audio notification that "This meeting is being recorded and/or transcribed" will be played on top of the of the AA/IVR or Queue welcome message.
June 3, 2020
Production Features
Policy Call Recording policy call recorder bot (How to configure)
Set a policy to record Microsoft Teams user calls
Filter call records by user, other party & date range
Permission based access to call details and records
Preview Features
Banner to indicate Preview status
Default music on hold for new organizations
Banner notifications for actions (like save a record)
Business Hours for Queues
Bug Fixes
Skills: changing row gets saved
Queue: Off hours actions will not allow transferring to the same queue
Policy update takes effect
Music on hold: repeats as needed
Queue Attendant Routing: doesn't allow double answering
Queue: Ignoring alert issue resolved
Reporting: better handling of lack of caller information from Microsoft Graph
Known Issues
Microsoft Behavior: The Microsoft audio notification that "This meeting is being recorded and/or transcribed" will be play at the beginning of each call that has recording or sentiment enabled. The notification will be repeated when recording is stopped and started again.
January 1, 2020
Preview Features
Audio file manager
Last updated
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